Thursday, December 6, 2007

Food For Thought

Do you always have food on the brain? The holidays and all of those cold winter nights are perfect for game nights! There is a new and unique game with a twist on our obsession with food – Food For Thought trivia challenge. The game asks questions on a broad range of subjects to which each answer if FOOD. The questions range from easy to impossible. Here are a few examples (the answers are in red, so highlight under the question to see if you're right):

Q: To urge and encourage someone is to what?
A: Egg him on

Q: Higher levels of society are known as the?
A: Upper crust

Q: The expression meaning that one cannot control everything that happens is?
A: That’s the way the cookie crumbles

Q: NYC is affectionately referred to as?
A: The big apple

Q: A dinner honoring someone by making jokes about him or her is called a?
A: roast

Purchase yours for $24.95, plus $4 shipping and handling, at