Thursday, November 1, 2007

Convert to Skirt

I'm a runner. I take that back, I'm a jogger. And I love it. But since I'm not running by at the speed of light people have a chance to not only see what I'm wearing, but notice that it's me wearing it. I can't pull the "Oh, I'll never see them again in my life" excuse because I see the same people in the park every morning. However, as much as I want to be attractive while running I also need to be practical because going 6 miles every other day of the week can bring some serious discomfort if you aren't wearing the proper apparel. It all comes down to what I value more: style or comfort? But, in a world where we can text, surf the web, email, talk and listen to music with one small device, couldn't I find something to run in that is both comfortable and attractive. My solution to this quandary? The GymGirl skirt from SkirtSports.

It's the greatest. Seriously. The first time I tried it on I didn't want to take it off; in fact, I don't think I did for the next three or four hours! The built-in mesh shorties not only prevent chafing, but bear two hidden pockets (and yes they're really hidden, no bulging under the skirt even when I had my keys and iPod in them!). What woman doesn't love pockets? The silky top and side slits allow for an almost graceful freedom of movement. This is a flattering skirt; I look GOOD in it (even if I do say so myself). It's pretty much a given that you're going to be checked out while running, but with this skirt, guys do a double-take. And that's something no pair of shorts out there can promise.

I'm converted (bordering on a not-so-slight obsession). You'd better hurry and get yours before I buy out the entire stock!

There are lots of different styles including the two below - GymGirl for $58 and the new ToughGirl for $85. Buy them here.